A stunning, functional framework for Fios TV platform promotional content.

Fios TV Promo Framework

Role — Design Director
Senior Designer — Desmond Cheung
Animation House — Masters & Savant
Producer — Hayley Danke

As a fan of complex visual challenges, this one was particularly enjoyable for me. 
We were challenged to create a donut template that allowed for promotional content to be seemlessly inserted between templated moments. 

The two main things we needed to solve for were:
Establishing a flexible visual world and create a library of assets under its umbrella to avoid wearout.
Template logistics that would allow for seamless integration of existing and rotating content. 

An abstract visual world of graceful textures and kinetic typography. 
Movement becomes the connecting thread as textures allow for visual range in our asset library. 

Intro & Outros

Look 1 / Brilliant Glass

Look 2 / Digital Cloth

How it all comes together / Full Promo