Logo Library

Below is a collection of logos in my book. Most of these marks have project pages of their own, with full explanations on the thinking behind each.

4A's Multicultural Advertising Internship Program

One Show Annual Vol. 40
Logo made for the cover as part of a full book design.

Bull Bay Caribbean Cuisine
Restaurant in Wilmington Delaware focued on elevated Jamaican dishes.

Verizon Pay It Forward Live
Platform / Live concerts to help small business during the pandemic

Face of Talent
4A's Annual Celebration of Diversity & Incusion

Program for healthcare providers and their patients

Best Project
Scholarship for outstanding Italian students to study in Silicon Valley

Listerine Power to Your Mouth
Logo Lockup for Global Listerine Campaign

Aaron Padin, Head of Art & Design 10 Year Anniversary

Global, 12-week paid, quarterly program by J. Walter Thompson Worldwide for any student looking to break into the ad industry.

40 Years of MAIP
WPP Tribute mark to the Multicultural Advertising Internship program, for its 40th anniversary.

Skinny Cow Luv you too
Custom type to resemble brand logo for campaign concept.

Tribeca ReActorm
Logo Lockup for award-winning acting karaoke machine to promote the Tribeca Film Festival.

Skizo Beats
Logo for an aspiring music producer

Band-Aid Magic Vision
Logo lockup for award-winning augmented reality app.

Schick Rock Your Legs
Logo Lockup for National Schick campaign

Be Unstoppably You
Logo Lockup for Dannon Oikos Campaign