We leveraged an item that already exists
in the
shopping experience, and gave it a second life.
Walmart Wrapping Bag
The limited-edition Walmart Wrapping Bag is a shopping bag that converts into actual wrapping paper. It saves Walmart’s
price-sensitive audience money, and the hassle of lugging around wrapping paper during the holiday season.
Role — Senior Designer.
Worked closely with CD & EDC to design all aspects of the project.
ECD — Aaron Padin
CD — Greg Erdelyi
Designers — Emely Perez, Soyeon Yoo
New York Festivals 2017 / Finalist / Design
New York Festivals 2017 / Finalist / Promotional Items
New York Festivals 2017 / Finalist / Retail Stores

Instructional tags guided customers to perforation lines along one side near the base and near the top of the bag allowing them to deconstruct the bag without scissors making it appropriate for all ages to use.